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Hymn: When we go with the flow where God’s spirit is leading
Hymn: When we go with the flow where God’s spirit is leading
by Andrew Pratt
We go with the flow where God’s spirit is leading, and sense all the good that God calls us to do, the way may be hard and our prayers become pleading, and yet God can lead us to things that are new. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: STREETS OF LAREDO Metre: Andrew Pratt (born
Fresh Thoughts for Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 75 02/08/15
Fresh Thoughts for Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 75 02/08/15
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
A selection of commentary, reflection and prayer ideas from various Christian authors and the full bible texts from the NRSV for this week's lectionary. NOW INCLUDING SERIALISED BOOKS FROM SPCK AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BRF. Check below for details. Subscribe to Fresh Thoughts For S
Body - Chapter 2 - Keeping body and soul together
Body - Chapter 2 - Keeping body and soul together
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
Keeping body and soul together We are now in a position to turn our attention to Paul and to his view of the body and soul. As we observed in the previous chapter, different understandings of the soul make it hard for us to work out what we mean when we use the word ‘soul’, let a
Body - Chapter 5 - The life giving Spirit (part 2)
Body - Chapter 5 - The life giving Spirit (part 2)
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The life giving Spirit (part 2) The difference between psuch? and pneuma As we saw above, in the Old Testament there is a considerable overlap between nephesh and rua.: both brought life to the body; both came from God; both could be described, in differing ways, as being the lif
Body - Chapter 6 - The "me" that is "me"
Body - Chapter 6 - The "me" that is "me"
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The “me” that is “me” It is high time that we return to an issue that has been lurking behind this book’s reflections now for some time. If the argument made so far is correct that Paul does not use the word ‘soul’ in the way that Plato did; that, in his writings, the word refers
Body - Chapter 6 - The "me" that is "me (part 2)"
Body - Chapter 6 - The "me" that is "me (part 2)"
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
The “me” that is “me” (part 2) Setting your mind on… The final element of the ‘me-ness of me’ that we need to explore, before turning our attention back to the body in the final two chapters, is the mind. Within Western thought, particularly philosophical thought, the mind has be
Meeting God in Paul - 3b The image of God in us
Meeting God in Paul - 3b The image of God in us
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
The image of God in us But there’s more to it, because of course what St Paul is evoking is not a Jesus who simply sits on the throne of heaven and receives our prayers, but a Jesus who – because his own life in time and eternity consists entirely in pouring out praise and love t
Meeting God in Paul - 3 The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe
Meeting God in Paul - 3 The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe Let’s begin with that deceptively simple phrase ‘the image of God’ – because in trying to understand how, for Paul, the whole universe is reorganized around the figure of Jesus, this idea is central…
the historical character of Jesus - 2b The ‘earthly Jesus’ as character in Acts
the historical character of Jesus - 2b The ‘earthly Jesus’ as character in Acts
by SPCK - David Allen
“The witnessed one”: Jesus in Acts Whatever one’s reason for so doing, the task of engaging with the book of Acts is fraught with interpretative questions. The discourse has two distinct textual traditions – the so-called Western and Alexandrian versions, with not insignificant v
the historical character of Jesus - 2d The story of Jesus in Acts